
Research shows that 73% of Fortune 500 executives are underactive leading to 40% of them being obese. Add to that, 100% of the Fortune 500 executives studied had 1 risk factor for cardiovascular disease. As a solution to an increased waistline and decreased time and resources; HPT has tailored a fitness program that can match the demands and lifestyle specifically for executives. With HPT, business leaders can radically transform their fitness and health, leading to improvements in executive function. Research from the book “Spark” shows that regular exercise for 12 weeks improves “executive function”. Learn more about HPT’s tailored wellness program for corporate execufitves!

"HPT gives me an edge I could not achieve on my own. Sure the training can be a challenge, but in the end the payoff is fantastic. I recommend ExecuFit and the HPT facility over all others, especially for busy executives."

John Remes, President and GM, KARE-TV


ExecuFitis HPT’s flagship fitness program that combines exercise, nutrition, coaching tailored specifically to an executives’ lifestyle and customized especially for them. ExecuFit is designed exclusively for C-level and senior executives in the top three tiers of the organization.

ExecuFit is a “healthy living program” that consists of a combination of personal training, nutrition coaching, and stress management that is completely customizable to the needs of the fast paced busy lifestyle of a corporate executive. Download our Executive Brochure

“Organizations Can Reap The Benefits Of Fitter Executives. CCL’s Data Suggest That Time Invested In Exercise, Even If It Means Spending Less Time At Work, Is Correlated With Higher Ratings Of Leadership Effectiveness. Balanced Against The Costs Of Inefficiency, Stifled Creativity, Sick Days, And Exhaustion, These Benefits Look Encouraging”

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